Types of investment

Global Emerging Markets

Emerging markets are fast becoming the driver of global growth. This underpins the most exciting theme in emerging markets – the rise of the middle class and its evolving consumer pattern, from tourism to the pioneering of new products and services. This inherent potential makes emerging markets an attractive investment destination especially for active investors.

Our range of equity strategies are designed to provide access to the very best businesses operating across the asset class. We offer core, concentrated and ESG-orientated emerging markets strategies, as well as regionally focused China, India and Latin American strategies. Our strategies are actively managed with a focus on fundamental research, enhanced by responsible investment and quantitative analysis.

Established in 2008, our experienced team applies a robust and proven approach to investing. This is driven by bottom-up stock selection and seeks to identify well-managed quality businesses capable of sustaining and accelerating profitable growth. Such businesses typically operate within areas benefiting from structural growth drivers like demographics and urbanisation.

29 August 2024

Gokce Bulut

Portfolio Manager

CT Responsible Global Emerging Markets Equity Strategy - Responsible Profile 2023

Learn how we engage to understand and encourage improvement in companies’ management practices of ESG issues
Read time - 3 min
20 March 2024

Krishan Selva

Client Portfolio Manager

Lin Jing Leong

Senior Sovereign Analyst, Emerging Market Asia

China: bottom-up opportunity as the macro picture slowly improves

While the top-down story has challenges, the notion that China is ‘uninvestable’ is in our view misinformed. We believe company-specific opportunities can be found by looking at trade, value for money and capital return.
Read time - 5 min
27 February 2024

Dara White

Global Head of Emerging Market Equities

Krishan Selva

Client Portfolio Manager

Cory Unal

Portfolio Analyst

India’s digital revolution offers more opportunities for investors

The country is in a structural growth cycle, with a focus on reform, infrastructure investment and manufacturing. Alongside favourable demographics, it's making India an easier country in which to do business.
Read time - 3 min

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Millions of people around the world rely on Columbia Threadneedle Investments to manage their money. We look after investments for individual investors, financial advisers and wealth managers, as well as insurance firms, pension funds and other institutions.

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Columbia Threadneedle Investments has a comprehensive range of investment funds catering for a broad range of objectives.

Investment Options

We offer a broad range of actively managed investment strategies and solutions covering global, regional and domestic markets and asset classes.